Mandela Day is also a “Call for All” to recognize their ability to have an impact in their communities

01 July 2022 711
Plant and grow fresh, organic and cost-effective produce in or for vulnerable communities

Plant and grow trees for the well-being of all, with an emphasis on fruit trees in support of food production for vulnerable communities

Embrace home and community planting and growing as a contribution to protecting the environment and addressing the challenge of climate change

Throw a tea party for the children and carers at a children’s home

Offer to mow the lawn and fix up the garden at a nursing home or hospice

Give blood

Become an organ donor

Set up a recycling system for your home

Create a car pool schedule with your colleagues to cut down on carbon emissions

Plant a garden or tree where the whole neighbourhood can enjoy it

Clean up a city park

Go on a social media fast for the day and make an effort to get to know people who you wouldn’t ordinarily speak to

Offer to fix things at a local school or organisation(paint, broken windows, etc)

Remove graffiti

Organise a tea party for care givers

Baby-sit for a single parent

Volunteer at an animal shelter

Adopt a pet from an animal shelter

Donate books to your local library

Collect and distribute children’s books to under-resourced schools

Donate magazines and books to an under-resourced home for the elderly

Throw a party for the residents of an old age home

Mow the garden or clean the windows for a senior citizen

Tutor someone who needs help learning your mother tongue

Go for a walk with a senior citizen in your community

Take a course to become a Lifeline/Childline counsellor

Knit a blanket for someone in need

Bake cookies and take them to a police station for the police officers

Blog about a non-profit organisation that needs support

Offer your skills (finance, marketing, customer service, etc.) to help an organisation run more efficiently

Organise a prayer meeting with family and friends to pray for our country